New Year New And Exciting News!!

It seems that every time I add a post, I apologize for how long it’s been since my last post and I promise to be better at posting. Well I’m going to do that again but assure you that I will be back writing more often in 2014. We have some new and exciting things about to happen with our farm and farm business..I know you’re gonna love it!

Within the next few days I will be adding a page that highlights products from the farm. This is a temporary page until the “NEW” website becomes active. On this new page you will be able to order our products as well. It’s kind of a backwards way of putting all of this together but it works for me and should be very easy for you to navigate…I hope.

Also, coming soon will be our Farm Fiber CSA…stay tuned for all of the details and how to order your “shares”. This has literally been 20 years in the making and I am now happy to offer it to you all.

This is it for now…be back soon with lots of great new posts!


Spring Is In The Air..

Aaaah! Spring! It’s that time of the year when flowers are starting to bloom, trees are budding, the grasses are greening up and the garden is calling.

Now is the time to start moving manure from the barn up to the garden plots and to start tilling that “black gold” into the earth but this year things will be a little different in one of the plots. We have decided to grow potatoes for markets. Soil preparation for these beauties does not include manure as an there will be less hauling than in years past. Can’t wait to see the lush green plants starting to pop up!

Each market season we have noticed that Spinach and Carrots are limited, so to do our part in answering the call for more of these foods, we have increased our garden area to add several raised beds for carrots and a second garden spot for spinach. Then of course there will be the usual cast of characters..tomatoes, okra, cukes, squashes, eggplant and lettuces.

On a different note, all of chickens seemed to be loving the warmer weather and longer days already. We have eggs everywhere! Our chickens are totally free range so as a result egg collection closely resembles an Easter Egg hunt each day. That’s OK though it is worth it when we are able to put together a carton of eggs that look like this…

Thank you girls…

Next on the list for our Spring “to do’s” will be sheep shearing. That’s always exciting too..when we get the chance to see what this years growth looks like. By the winter being mild, it doesn’t look like we will have the usual bumper of wool. We will be adding Cashmere this year to our fibers available. Friends of ours are getting out of the cashmere business but they still have 10 goats that need to be yes, I volunteered to do the combing. Payment for this job..we get the fiber! There will be some pretty cool rovings and yarns available in the fall!

Neeing Hair Cuts...Now!!

Maybe I’m wrong..look at all that wool!

Well that’s all for today. I’m afraid if I keep writing, I’ll wear myself out.

Updates and Some Unmerciful Blog Sales Pitching!!

It got pretty exciting around here this past weekend. Not only was it the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend but we had an addition come into the world at the farm. Several months ago we purchased a bred LaMancha doe and her due date was in mid-September. Well mid-September came and went and no baby. We had to rearrange our world (where Goat Shares were concerned) and begin a quest for a freshened doe. Without going into a lot of uninteresting details..we didn’t find one. Then Sunday morning hubby went to the barn to check on everyone and feed. He came back to the house and announced that “Jojo” had kidded!! Obviously, the breeder had really messed up the breeding date and now we have a fresh doe and a beautiful little buckling. Don’t you just love a happy ending story?

Is he too cute or what!!

Many people have asked me where they can find our new natural Nesting Balls in the Richmond, VA area. These have taken on a life of their own and we love it. Right now the list is short but growing everyday. As everyone knows with Fall Line Farms can find them listed weekly on the Co-op. They are now available at Yardbirds in Gayton Crssing Shopping Center and starting this weekend at Primrose and Persimmons Antiques in Goochland Courthouse, VA. If you cannot make it to any of the events we will be at this Holiday season, these are a few places you can find them. Also, you can always contact us at to order direct through us. OK, enough sales pitching for now.

Have a great day!

More Babies…

Friday evening was so peaceful and relaxing. We spent time visiting with each other..discussing the week and our plans for the weekend. I started taking care of the Quail and hubby made his way to the barn for evening chores. He had been at the barn only a few minutes and he called me on the phone. This usually means one of two things..something is wrong or there are new babies.

Happily, it was the latter. We have 2 new doelings! Oh, my they are soooo cute and their fiber is amazing. These little ones are 3/4 Angora and 1/4 Alpine Dairy goats. It’s the same crosses we done since we started raising goats back in 2002. It’s such a wonderful cross because we end up with adults that give us pounds of fiber and they are excellent milk producers too. The fact that they are does is just a plus.

These photos were taken yesterday morning.

Just Relaxing!

One Happy Mom!

 No matter how many births we have here..I always enjoy each one as if it were the first. Wish the farm was bigger so I could keep them all!